March 10, 2010

Banana Image Collection Corner: School Days - Graduation

Are Tsugunaga Momoko, Yajima Maimi, Suzuki Airi, Sugaya Risako and Vegetable graduating!?!?
Noooo~~~~!! T-T

haha just kidding! Xp (did it scare any of u? lol)

Here are the pic scams from UTB magazine, which they did a theme on 'graduation' =)
I'm not sure if they were meant to be graduating middle school or high school, but considering Maimi's there, I would think their theme was a high school graduation.

Anyway, enjoy!

Year Twelves

Year Elevens

Year Ten

No offense to Mano Erina fans out there, but I would have preferred it if it was Nakky instead of Vegetable... lol!



  1. These girls really are graduating from respective school levels.
    I think the PB is called Hello!Project Best Shot.

  2. I think Erina, Maimi, and Momo are in the same level.
    Because it's a graduation PB.
    And why do you call her 'vegetables'?
