So, here it is!! X)
Take it Easy
やりたいことやってる ようにみえてるし
失敗した時も なんかオッケイ!
まっすぐに自分を 信じたらどうっ?
一歩踏み出したら なんとかなる
(From the others) It looks like we are doing what we want to do
so even if we make a mistake, it's kinda okay!
Why don't you just believe in yourself from your heart?
If you take one step, everything is going to be okay
かっこつけてもバレてる そのままで行こう
青空見上げたら リセット
Even if you try to act cool,
everybody knows the true you, so just be yourself
Look up in that blue sky, Reset
Take it easy! 楽にして
肩の力を抜いたら アタマを空っぽにして みようよ
Take it easy! なるように
なってゆくみたいだから 時の流れつかまえて
Shining! Shining! Shining!
(Take it easy!) Just take it easy
Relax your shoulders. Try to empty your head
(Take it easy!) It seems like
everything is going to be just fine, so try to go with the flow
(Shining! Shining! Shining!)
光と影がある すべてのものには
だからこの世界は 美しいの
素敵な人生は 素敵な君に
訪れるものでしょう ここが大事!
だからこの世界は 美しいの
素敵な人生は 素敵な君に
訪れるものでしょう ここが大事!
There is the light and darkness for everything
That's why this world is so beautiful
Wonderful life is meant to come to
the wonderful you. This is important!
後悔と反省との 行ったり来たりじゃ
後悔と反省との 行ったり来たりじゃ
If you just go back and forth with
regrets and repents,
your soul cannot shine! There is no tomorrow!
Take it easy! 昔から
お気楽なタイプです 大人の相談なんて ムリムリ
Take it easy! 潮風に
吹かれたなら君もまた 時の流れつかまえて
Shining! Shining! Shining!
(Take it easy!) I have always been
the optimistic type. I can't give you any advice like what adults would say
(Take it easy!) If you are
blown by the breeze, try to catch that breeze
(Shining! Shining! Shining!)
Take it easy! すきなこと
波間からやって来るよ アタマを空っぽにして
(Take it easy!) You'll find
the things you love from that tide. Try emptying your head
Take it easy! 潮風に
吹かれたらくよくよは きらきらに変わってゆく? 嘘です!
Take it easy! なるように
なってゆくみたいだから 夢を胸に抱きしめて
Shining! Shining! Shining!
(Take it easy!) If you are blown
by the breeze, your worries will change to bright happiness? That's worng!
(Take it easy!) It seems like
everything is going to be just fine, so embrace your dreams in your chest
(Shining! Shining! Shining!)
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